
Silence and Me

Ask a friend of mine to describe me and you'll come up with these answers: a screaming fag, a noisy teacher, or probably, a bad influence. These things are true, really. What I've shown to these people is my extrovert self. No one knows how I spend quality time with myself.

Silence. The best friend I've ever known since childhood. In times of trouble or despair, not a single soul is listening but I feel a sense of assurance. Silence gives me not only peace of mind, but of soul.

When I'm alone, I just pray, think, write, or better yet, sleep. Things that a normal person would do. This way, I become at ease with everything.

I love noise. I can perfom and adjust well in it. But sometimes, your inner soul wants to have an outlet from these things which, eventually, will burn you.

So find your self. With silence, of course.

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